Friday, November 25, 2016

Leading Change: A Micro-Innovation

In organizations and schools today, there is great potential for innovation. I'm not talking about an innovation that changes the organization or school as we know it. I'm talking about a small change that could possibly lead to dramatic results- these innovations are know as micro-innovations. Micro-innovations allow people in organizations to change something small that could lead to something greater. At Tide, for instance, they decided to package their detergent in PODS. This led to an increase of 500 million dollars in revenue. A small change with a big return. 

When I think back to my time in the classroom teaching with some of the most amazing teachers out there with some of the most dedicated students ever, I think we were a pretty innovative bunch. First and foremost, one innovation at Gallup Middle School was that all teachers had two, yes two, planning periods that were held sacred (aka never taken away). One was a personal planning period in which we were expected to plan our lessons and prep our materials. The other planning period was a time-wide planning period where it was expected we meet each day of the week to 1) hold student success meetings with parents, 2) plan cross-collaborative lessons, 3) create team-wide initiatives, and 4) talk about behavior management systems across the team. Because of this dedicated time we had for collaboration, my team and I created responsive and structured interventions for individual students and our team of 140 students. We learned from and with each other to really impact student outcomes. And, I must say that the proof is in the pudding- our proficiency rates were significantly higher than other schools who did not have this structure. This is a clear example of a micro-innovation that empowered teachers to do great things for kids and we say significant results.

I would challenge each person, whether in a formal leadership role or not (because we're all leaders in our own way), to think about what innovations could you conjure up that would pay significant dividends in your professional practice! Feel free to share those here! 

Technology's Role In Schools

In education, there is a constant conundrum: does technology enable excellent pedagogy or does excellent pedagogy complement technology? Ultimately, I think this fairly common binary (this or that thinking) isn't helpful in ensuring all students receive an excellent education. It is my deeply held belief that technology won't help students learn when a teacher has no clue how to teach in alignment with rigorous content. Therefore, this blog will explore just how technology and pedagogy can go hand in hand in make sure all students master rigorous academic content. 

First, it's pivotal that teachers deeply understand what mastery looks like for each objective taught. Without exemplar responses to objectives, teachers can fall into the pitfall of lower expectations for what student responses should be. After this exemplar response is determined, then teachers can begin exploring how they want students to engage with the material. One additional pitfall I see beginning teachers fall into is plan the activity without spending time deeply understanding what mastery will look like at the end of each day. Don't do this- it makes your life and your students' lives more stressful. 

After determining and knowing deeply the objective, teachers can then begin to explore the methods in which their particular students will learn best. It could be a self-paced online module, it could be a group activity in which they use research skills to determine and synthesize the information on their own, or it could be basically anything as long as its done with alignment and purpose to the objective. 

Ultimately, I think about this quote from an anonymous person, "pedagogy is the driver and technology is the accelerator" is poignant. A teacher must consistently ask and know what students must master and then figure out which technology best suites their particular group of students. When these things merge, student learning and student academic outcomes will accelerate. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Assessment- why it's pivotal for equity and student learning.

Assessments have gotten a bad reputation lately, and to me, that's unfortunate. Assessments were NEVER meant to be about teaching to the test and I hate it when people say that. Assessments were created to ensure we know how schools, teachers, and students are performing on a relative basis so we can celebrate success and deploy resources to those schools not meeting the relative bar. Assessments also were formed to ensure that ALL students around our state and country receive an equitable education. Prior to assessments, no one knew what students knew or could show they knew. Since assessments, we know there is an acheivement gap between different demographics. We know that since we've made closing that a gap focus, students from low-income backgrounds and students of color have performend increasingly better which equates to more at-risk students receiving a game-changing and academically rigorous education. Assessments did that. Teachers did that. Communities did that.

I also view assessments as ensuring students know where they stand in purusit of their academic progress. Without assessments, either summative or formative, students lack that basic understanding of how they're performing, the actions they've taken to perform at that level, and that ability to take agency over their own education. Understanding student academic performance is the moral comittment we enter into with parents when we agree to teach. We also receive a pay check to ensure that all students learn. Assessments and reflection allow us to do that.

However, with all good things, assessments have been used to do some awful things as well. Since math and reading are the focus of accountability, schools have increased time students spend in these subjects while reducing other subjects including science and the arts. This was NEVER the purpose of accountability or assessments. In fact, doing this is also an affront to equity. ALL students should have access to a well-rounded education infused with the arts, the sciences, and other subjects that aren't "accountable" in the current system. Also, this approach assumes that more time equates to better results. If a student is in a classroom with a teacher that is not reaching him/her, more time won't really matter. We must think more critically about the total approach to education and not just focus on accountability which should be linked to assessments but not be the end all, be all.

Growth Mindset: Focusing on Progress and Potential

Growth mindset is game-changing when it comes to students' feelings on their worth, their potential as beings, and positive attitude towards new challenges. Growth mindset essentially says, "Hey, it's OK to fail. Failure is a natural part of the learning process and we learn and grow for next time." Fixed mindset says, "I didn't meet an absolute bar the first time so I'm not good at X, Y, or Z and I never will be so I'm not going to try it again."

In schools, students are expected to meet an absolute bar of proficiency in many subjects. For instance, in math and reading, students are assessed almost every year between 3-8 grade and are expected to meet the proficiency bar. Now, what I'm not saying is setting the goal for proficiency for all students is bad- it's not. However, when students don't meet that absolute bar they shouldn't be made to feel awful. Their growth should be showcased and celebrated instead. Also, students should reflect on their progress to build the personal reflective habits that lead to students possessing a growth mindset.

One way I have seen schools lean into and live out growth mindset with their students is by utilizing standards-based grading. In this system, homework, participation, etc. is not graded. The only things that students receive marks on are what they prove they know independently. After each assessment, students reflect on their progress for each learning target and have the opportunity to re-take any learning targets they missed until they master it. Of course, students have to show effort by making note-cards, coming to tutoring, etc. before they re-take it to instill that students must take action to grow and not simply re-take the test until you get lucky.

Overall, it's worth. It shows that the brain is malleable- it can be shaped and changed depending on the actions we take to improve it. It also reiterates that our abilities are not innate- we're not simply born with the ability to do "good" math, but rather we must work hard each day to do "good" math. Creating a school environment of growth mindset for everyone (administrators, teachers, students, etc.) goes a long way to enabling experimentation, failure, and innovation.

Image result for growth mindset

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Relationships: How Schools and Students Thrive

Take a moment and think about a school experience that you had that was positive. I bet when you thought of a positive experience, there was a teacher's face behind that moment. If so, you are lucky. You had a person at your school that cared deeply for you: a teacher, a mentor, an advisor. Because of this relationship, you more than likely thought that school was a place where you could be you, where you could thrive, and a place where at least one person knew who you were and what you cared about at a deep level.

Far too many of our students don't have that type of relationship in their schools. In the days of curriculum pacing, testing, and urgency (which are all important), it is easy for adults at a school site to de-prioritize deep relationships with their students. It is no one's fault here, and I'm definitely not placing blame on teachers. Teaching is the most difficult job in our country and figuring out where one's priorities should be given the finite amount of time is difficult. However, school leadership doesn't always do a good job of creating structures and systems that enable deep relationships to occur within the natural bounds of a school building.

This blog will explore two different strategies schools could implement in order to build deeper relationships between students and adults at the school building. Ultimately, the goal for each strategy is for every students to have one deep and meaningful relationship with at least one adult in the school building.

First, schools, in all their data-driven glory, can use survey data to better understand who their students are and what they care about in life. Using survey data, schools could, for lack of a better word, seperate students into different advising classes given their interests. The teacher in charge of this advising group would also have a deep interest in the topic. These topics could range from writing to hunting to cars. These advising classes must be structured and outcomes need to be created. It would be my recommendation that two outcomes include 1) continuous student data monitoring. During this time, advisors would ensure students knew their grades for each class and why their grade is the way it is. The advisor would then make sure each student has an action step in order to improve their academic standing in a particular class and 2) connect student acheivement data to the students' interests. In this phase, students would get to explore their interests and deeply see, in an integrated way, why the content they are learning is important given their interests. While there is not, and will never be a silver bullet, this could go a long way in ensuring students have agency in their education and have a person who cares deeply about them, their interestes, and their academic success.

Secondly, in keeping with the theme of schools deeply knowing students' interests, schools could create an internship system that allows students to both learn academic knowledge deeply in the classroom and apply it at an internship that aligns to their future goals and aspirations. This would require teachers to be on the hook for knowing a group of students and their interests. Teachers would also have to have a structure in place to chat with students and help them reflect on their internship experience and make meaning for their future.

Both strategies above could play a role in creating schools where each students is known, loved, and cared for by an adult in the building. However, I don't want anyone to fall into the trap that thinking we can strategize our way to being relationship-oriented with our students. Building relationships start with a mindset that relationships are important. It's important for leaders at any school to model this mindset with teachers and everyone they interact with. Otherwise, these structures become a thing to do as opposed to a "way of being" where everyone is on the hook for deep relationships with each other.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Culture- let's define it.

The words school culture and climate are thrown around frequently in today's eduacational landscape. And, don't get me wrong- CULTURE is vital to having a thriving, connected, and passionate team (students, teachers, parents, administrators, etc.) working hard to improve student outcomes each day. Nonetheless, in my experience, culture is rarely defined. Even rarer, is defining the responsibilities each team member plays in creating, driving, and maintaining culture. So, don't tumble down this culture pit and try a few key strategies below:

1) Come together with your school team (keep this to administrators, teachers, and other staff initially) to define culture by answering the following questions: What is culture? What does culture enable? When we are at our best, what is our culture- be specific with actions/feelings? NOTE: As a facilitator of this process, make sure you have a strong opinion here and strong definitions for yourself so you know where you want this conversation to go!

2) After defining culture, pull out that school vision and link culture to the vision by having your team explore the connection between culture and vision. A few start questions include:  What does our school vision call us to do? How do we need to operate to acheive that vision? What do we need the felt experience at this school to be? Who's responsibility is it?

3) After dreaming a little bit in the previous exploration, get concrete. What are the systems and structures that will enable us to reach our desired culture and enable us to make tangible progress towards our vision? This could be a teacher observation system. This could be a Friday shout-out ceremony! This could be almost anything. As a leader, however, you must make sure that any concrete action taken can be traced directly back to the culture you want to create and the vision you are aspiring towards- always pressure test the "next steps" with your team and make them make their own connections between strategy, culture, and vision.

4) Keep on evaluating! Set goals and measure progress to ensure the culture in your school is moving towards the culture you and your team created and definted. If not, re-evaluate.

A word of warning, too many people think culture is an action or a thing to do. That is false. Culture is all around us and is the air we breath. As such, you have orient yourself as someone who deeply believes leaning into culture is both a "way of being" and "strategies" orientation. Try this and I can't wait to see where your team and your school will go.